Friday, 6 April 2012

Video-james I can't wait for!

2012, the year of the dragon, the end of the world and above all else, the year that I will be twenty-one. Hoo-fucking-rah!
It's also a year with plenty of video-james coming out that I want to get my greedy hands on. Providing I am able to finance the purchase of these games, I will be getting them on the day of release. Why? Because the video-james are pretty sweet and being negative about the industry in this day and age is an uphill struggle for both sides of the argument.
Without further ado, this is... TOP 5 VIDEO-JAMES I CANNAE WAIT FOR!

Max Payne 3.
After just recently finishing Max Payne 2, I've truely fallen for the fantastic gameplay and story-telling ways of Max Payne and his noir-ish shenanigans. The technology behind the the upcoming title looks spectacular; a collection of awesome physics, great graphics and a compelling storyline, it really looks like it could be a crown jewel in the series.

The Last Of Us.
Having only seen a short bit of CGI from this game, it's somewhat unfair to get so worked up over it, but the concept grasped me in the familiar way that the more recent 'I Am Alive'. Oh and the lead female looks kinda like an Ellen Paige look alike. Glorious stuff!

Dead Or Alive 5.
Boobs and boob physics.

Far Cry 3.
Far Cry 2... Let's talk about your first time in bed? Awkward, clunky, sticky, looks good, but is just an embarrassment. Hopefully, this game should make up for 'Far Cry 2'. By the looks of things, it should measure up to the first one; with a collection of interesting game mechanics, good looking graphics and a story a bit more focused on character and story-telling, I'm really looking forward to this one.

Hitman: Absolution.
The hitman series has always been one of my favourites and despite alterations to some of the core mechanics in the game, 'Absolution' looks like a rollercoaster ride that I look forward to taking. Unlike the majority of the Hitman fanbase, I will continue to remain optimistic about this game after hearing the words "Yes, you can beat the level with only killing the targets."
Pro-tip: SA method is best method, but not always the most fun.


P.L.U.C.K. said...

I'm really looking forward to see how 'The Last of Us' will turn out even though I don't have a PS3 ):. Hopefully it will be open world, a bit like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

I also purchased the Hitman series recently on steam for something ridiculously cheap. I am waiting 'till the end of the month so I can play them. Hopfully they will be good.

Lukas said...

new hitman? awesome

Samwal said...

Oh god Hitman looks so good. Hitman: Blood Money is the most amazing party game ever, and I love the title :D. Can't wait for the new one!

CyrusTheVirus said...

damn nice post man I also cant wait for the new hitman love those type of games.

Robert said...

The Last of Us looks interesting. Also, I'm wondering if Max Payne 3 will introduce something new to the gaming experiance.

Anonymous said...

so much excite.

Unknown said...

Dude these look awesome

Bill Pliskin said...

The new Hitman game will be ill!

John said...

I need these games. Not want: NEED!

Unknown said...

Hitman looks amazing.

Unknown said...

i look forwand to max payne 3! I have great expectations, I hope I will not be disappointed...

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